I had a haircut this weekend, and every month, I look forward to this with great anticipation. No, seriously, I do.
I do believe my hairdresser, JP at Eclipse Studio in Plattekloof, is the best hairdresser on this planet. And that is not for his hairdressing skills (not that he cuts badly), but rather it is because of the skills of his hair washing staff. Ever since I was a kid, the hairwashing bit was my favourite part of a haircut, since I adore head massages, but this place is different. Every time I have been there, they give me a head massage that makes my toes tingle, and I swear, if it lasted any longer than their already long massage, I would fall asleep right there in the chair.
I love it so much that Claudia even bought me a voucher for two head massages as a present recently. Yes, they do the head massages by themselves too – no need to wait for a hair cut. My toes are tingling just by the thought of it……