AncestrySync for Geni is new genealogy product is currently in Beta, and it looks and feels very slick.
This program makes it very easy to download and synchronise your family tree off Geni, providing a number of options as to how to export your tree, such as how many generations forwards or backwards, and what tye of relation.
It also enables you to save the data in most of the currently popular formats, such as Gedcom, PAF, Lecacy, and RootsMagic. The only one missing there that I would love is Gramps, which is the main application I currently use, but no doubt that is something that will be in the application soon, as it is still only in Beta.
The application also allows you to synchronise your data manually or automatically, and gives you an option to share your tree with your friends.
All in all, I really like this application, and would heartily recommend it to any Geni user.