One of the most important considerations when doing 3D animations is how well the hardware is keeping up. The primary way of checking this is by the frame rate, which is measured in Frames Per Second, usually abbreviated to FPS. The higher this number is, the faster the computer is rendering each frame in the animation, and the more fluid the animation will look.
This has an impact, where, for example, playing a game at 20FPS will make an enjoyable experience, playing the same game at 5FPS could make it unplayable.
So, how then, do we calculate the frame rate in O3D? All we need to do is create an instance of the FPSManager object, and it will show a bar on top of the client area showing the frame rate.
So, now, the first thing we need to do is include the library for the FPSManager
And add a global variable to contain the instance
var g_fpsManager;
In the initialisation function we instantiate the FPSManager
g_fpsManager = o3djs.fps.createFPSManager(g_pack, g_client.width, g_client.height, g_client.renderGraphRoot);
And finally in the render function, we make sure we update the FPSManager
And, voila, we can see how well the frame rate is doing. There is nothing more to it.
As usual, here is the full listing
o3djs.require('o3djs.util'); o3djs.require('o3djs.math'); o3djs.require('o3djs.rendergraph'); o3djs.require('o3djs.canvas'); o3djs.require('o3djs.quaternions'); o3djs.require('o3djs.event'); o3djs.require('o3djs.arcball'); o3djs.require('o3djs.primitives'); o3djs.require('o3djs.picking'); o3djs.require('o3djs.fps'); // Events // Run the init() function once the page has finished loading. // Run the uninit() function when the page has is unloaded. window.onload = init; window.onunload = uninit; // global variables var g_o3dElement; var g_o3d; var g_math; var g_client; var g_pack; var g_clock = 0; var g_timeMult = 1; var g_cubeTransform; var g_textCanvas; var g_paint; var g_canvasLib; var g_3dRoot; var g_hudRoot; var g_viewInfo; var g_hudViewInfo; var g_keyPressDelta = 0.05; var g_quaternions; var g_aball; var g_thisRot; var g_lastRot; var g_dragging = false; var g_lightPosition = [5, 5, 7]; var g_camera = { eye: [0, 0, 10], target: [0, 0, 0] }; var g_mouseX = 0; var g_mouseY = 0; var g_spinningObject = false; var g_pickedInfo; var g_treeInfo; var g_fpsManager; //Event handler for the mousedown event function mouseDown(e) { if (e.button == 0) { var worldRay = o3djs.picking.clientPositionToWorldRay( e.x, e.y, g_viewInfo.drawContext, g_client.width, g_client.height); g_treeInfo.update(); g_pickedInfo = g_treeInfo.pick(worldRay); if (g_pickedInfo) { g_spinningObject = true; } } else { g_lastRot = g_thisRot;[e.x, e.y]); g_dragging = true; } } //Event handler for the mousemove event function mouseMove(e) { g_mouseX = e.x; g_mouseY = e.y; if (g_dragging) { var rotationQuat = g_aball.drag([e.x, e.y]); var rot_mat = g_quaternions.quaternionToRotation(rotationQuat); g_thisRot = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_lastRot, rot_mat); var m = g_3dRoot.localMatrix; g_math.matrix4.setUpper3x3(m, g_thisRot); g_3dRoot.localMatrix = m; } } //Event handler for the mouseup event function mouseUp(e) { g_dragging = false; g_spinningObject = false; } //Even handler for the scroll button function scrollMe(e) { if (e.deltaY) { g_camera.eye = g_math.mulScalarVector((e.deltaY < 0 ? 11 : 13) / 12, g_camera.eye); g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt(g_camera.eye,, [0, 1, 0]); } } // Updates the transform info for our scene function updateInfo() { if (!g_treeInfo) { g_treeInfo = o3djs.picking.createTransformInfo(g_3dRoot, null); } g_treeInfo.update(); } function drawText(str) { // Clear to completely transparent. g_textCanvas.canvas.clear([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); // Reuse the global paint object var paint = g_paint; paint.color = [1, 1, 1, 1]; paint.textSize = 12; paint.textTypeface = 'Comic Sans MS'; paint.textAlign = g_o3d.CanvasPaint.LEFT; paint.shader = null; g_textCanvas.canvas.drawText(str, 10, 30, paint); g_textCanvas.updateTexture(); } /** * This method gets called every time O3D renders a frame. Here's * where we update the cube's transform to make it spin. * @param {o3d.RenderEvent} renderEvent The render event object that * gives us the elapsed time since the last time a frame was rendered. */ function renderCallback(renderEvent) { g_fpsManager.update(renderEvent); g_clock += renderEvent.elapsedTime * g_timeMult; drawText("(" + g_mouseX + "," + g_mouseY + ")"); if (g_spinningObject) { var pickTrans = g_pickedInfo.shapeInfo.parent.transform; pickTrans.rotateX(0.05); pickTrans.rotateY(0.05); } updateInfo(); } /** * Function performing the rotate action in response to a key-press. * Rotates the scene based on key pressed. (w ,s, a, d). Note that the * x,y-axis referenced here are relative to the current view of scene. * @param {keyPressed} The letter pressed, in lower case. * @param {delta} The angle by which the scene should be rotated. * @return true if an action was taken. */ function keyPressedAction(keyPressed, delta) { var actionTaken = false; switch(keyPressed) { case 'a': g_3dRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_3dRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationY(-delta)); actionTaken = true; break; case 'd': g_3dRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_3dRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationY(delta)); actionTaken = true; break; case 'w': g_3dRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_3dRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationX(-delta)); actionTaken = true; break; case 's': g_3dRoot.localMatrix = g_math.matrix4.mul(g_3dRoot.localMatrix, g_math.matrix4.rotationX(delta)); actionTaken = true; break; } return actionTaken; } /** * Callback for the keypress event. * Invokes the action to be performed for the key pressed. * @param {event} keyPress event passed to us by javascript. */ function keyPressedCallback(event) { event = event || window.event; // Ignore accelerator key messages. if (event.metaKey) return; var keyChar =String.fromCharCode(o3djs.event.getEventKeyChar(event)); // Just in case they have capslock on. keyChar = keyChar.toLowerCase(); if (keyPressedAction(keyChar, g_keyPressDelta)) { o3djs.event.cancel(event); } } /** * Creates a phong material based on the given single color. * @param {Array} baseColor An array with 4 entries, the R,G,B, and A components * of a color. * @return {Material} A phong material whose overall pigment is baseColor. */ function createPhongMaterial(baseColor) { // Create a new, empty Material object. var material = g_pack.createObject('Material'); o3djs.effect.attachStandardShader( g_pack, material, g_lightPosition, 'phong'); material.drawList = g_viewInfo.performanceDrawList; // Assign parameters to the phong material. material.getParam('emissive').value = [0, 0, 0, 1]; material.getParam('ambient').value = g_math.mulScalarVector(0.1, baseColor); material.getParam('diffuse').value = g_math.mulScalarVector(0.9, baseColor); material.getParam('specular').value = [.2, .2, .2, 1]; material.getParam('shininess').value = 20; return material; } function createShapes() { var cube = o3djs.primitives.createCube( g_pack, createPhongMaterial([1, 0, 0, 1]), Math.sqrt(2)); // The length of each side of the cube. var sphere = o3djs.primitives.createSphere( g_pack, createPhongMaterial([1, 1, 0, 1]), 1.0, // Radius of the sphere. 30, // Number of meridians. 20); // Number of parallels. var cylinder = o3djs.primitives.createCylinder( g_pack, createPhongMaterial([0, 1, 0, 1]), 0.5, // Radius. 1.5, // Depth. 20, // Number of radial subdivisions. 20); // Number of vertical subdivisions. var plane = o3djs.primitives.createPlane( g_pack, createPhongMaterial([0, 0, 1, 1]), 1, // Width. 1.618, // Depth. 3, // Horizontal subdivisions. 3); // Vertical subdivisions. // Make a polygon to extrude for the prism. var polygon = []; var n = 10; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var theta = 2.0 * i * Math.PI / n; var radius = (i % 2) ? 1 : 0.382; polygon.push([radius * Math.cos(theta), radius * Math.sin(theta)]); } var prism = o3djs.primitives.createPrism( g_pack, createPhongMaterial([0, 1, 1, 1]), polygon, // The profile polygon to be extruded. 1); // The depth of the extrusion. var disc = o3djs.primitives.createDisc( g_pack, createPhongMaterial([1, 0, 1, 1]), 1, // Radius. 7, // Divisions. 2, // Stacks (optional). 0, // Start Stack (optional). 2); // Stack Power (optional). // Add the shapes to the transforms. var transformTable = [ {shape: cube, translation: [-2, 1, 0]}, {shape: sphere, translation: [0, 1, 0]}, {shape: cylinder, translation: [2, 1, 0]}, {shape: plane, translation: [-2, -1, 0]}, {shape: prism, translation: [0, -1, 0]}, {shape: disc, translation: [2, -1, 0]} ]; for (var i = 0; i < transformTable.length; i++) { var transform = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); transform.addShape(transformTable[i].shape); transform.translate(transformTable[i].translation); transform.parent = g_3dRoot; } } /** * Creates the client area. */ function init() { o3djs.util.makeClients(initStep2); } /** * Initializes O3D. * @param {Array} clientElements Array of o3d object elements. */ function initStep2(clientElements) { // Initializes global variables and libraries. g_o3dElement = clientElements[0]; g_client = g_o3dElement.client; g_o3d = g_o3dElement.o3d; g_math = o3djs.math; g_quaternions = o3djs.quaternions; // Initialize O3D sample libraries. o3djs.base.init(g_o3dElement); // Create a pack to manage the objects created. g_pack = g_client.createPack(); //Create the arcball which is used for the rotation g_aball = o3djs.arcball.create(300, 300); //Initialise rotation matrixes g_lastRot = g_math.matrix4.identity(); g_thisRot = g_math.matrix4.identity(); // Create 2 root transforms, one for the 3d parts and 2d parts. // This is not strictly neccassary but it is helpful. g_3dRoot = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); g_hudRoot = g_pack.createObject('Transform'); // Create the render graph for a view. g_viewInfo = o3djs.rendergraph.createBasicView( g_pack, g_3dRoot, g_client.renderGraphRoot); // Set the background color to black. g_viewInfo.clearBuffer.clearColor = [0, 0, 0, 1]; // Create a second view for the hud. g_hudViewInfo = o3djs.rendergraph.createBasicView( g_pack, g_hudRoot, g_client.renderGraphRoot); // Make sure the hud gets drawn after the 3d stuff g_hudViewInfo.root.priority = g_viewInfo.root.priority + 1; // Turn off clearing the color for the hud since that would erase the // 3d parts but leave clearing the depth and stencil so the HUD is // unaffected by anything done by the 3d parts. g_hudViewInfo.clearBuffer.clearColorFlag = false; // Set up a perspective view g_viewInfo.drawContext.projection = g_math.matrix4.perspective( g_math.degToRad(30), // 30 degree fov. g_client.width / g_client.height, 1, // Near plane. 5000); // Far plane. // Set up our view transformation to look towards the world origin // where the cube is located. g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt(g_camera.eye, //eye, // target [0, 1, 0]); // up //Set up the 2d orthographic view g_hudViewInfo.drawContext.projection = g_math.matrix4.orthographic( 0 + 0.5, g_client.width + 0.5, g_client.height + 0.5, 0 + 0.5, 0.001, 1000); g_hudViewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt( [0, 0, 1], // eye [0, 0, 0], // target [0, 1, 0]); // up // Create an FPS manager. g_fpsManager = o3djs.fps.createFPSManager(g_pack, g_client.width, g_client.height, g_client.renderGraphRoot); createShapes(); // Create the global paint object that's used by draw operations. g_paint = g_pack.createObject('CanvasPaint'); // Creates an instance of the canvas utilities library. g_canvasLib = o3djs.canvas.create(g_pack, g_hudRoot, g_hudViewInfo); // Create a canvas that will be used to display the text. g_textCanvas = g_canvasLib.createXYQuad(200, 0, 0, 100, 50, true); // Set our render callback for animation. // This sets a function to be executed every time frame is rendered. g_client.setRenderCallback(renderCallback); //Set up a callback to interpret keypresses window.document.onkeypress = keyPressedCallback; //Set up mouse events o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'mousedown', mouseDown); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'mousemove', mouseMove); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'mouseup', mouseUp); o3djs.event.addEventListener(g_o3dElement, 'wheel', scrollMe); } /** * Removes callbacks so they aren't called after the page has unloaded. */ function uninit() { if (g_client) { g_client.cleanup(); } }